

This website that you visit at the internet address, is a property of Ziccat S.r.l., with its seat in Turin, Str.Bardonecchia 185 (P. IVA 04915950010), pec registered at the Chamber of Commerce of Turin with n.04915950010 that exclusively exerts its rights ( now and in the future specified basically as Ziccat).

 Before to make a registration or to make any order , read attentively, please, the Conditions of the offered service, as far as Accepting it in the terms of Registration will have a binding nature of the provisions described below.

Registration and the use of the website is permitted to the audience of users who are physical persons. This website and acquisitions online would be a subject to the regulation of Dlgs. 206/2005 (Consumer Code), in addition to the general regulations applicable to the type of the provisions supplied pursuant to   Dlgs. 70/2003 on the services of the information company and of the e-commerce. Every sale with a subject different from Consumer who is obliged to emit VAT registration number should be agreed with Ziccat by phone or through a request of the contact which will be submitted to Ziccat in the appropriate form, available on the website The use of the website is reserved exclusively to the adult users, its use is restricted to minors. By using this Website, you represent and warrant that you are of legal age of 18 (eighteen) years old.

Through the website are offered the sales online of the alimentary products, mainly the production ofZiccat, but if it comes from the third subjects, they are certified and verified. The online sales are reserved to the Consumers residing on the Italian territory. Ziccat guarantee a maximum transparency and Transactions security.  

If you want toinsert your Acquisition Order you should complete your Registration online, by inserting the requested information, which will be preserved according to the Privacy policy (D.Lgs 196/2003) after receiving your consent in this regard.

Ziccat guarantees the right to withdrawal which is provided by the law, excluding the products that have no right to withdrawal according to the same law, and it’s organized regarding the immediate Return of Products, every time if its possible.

Ziccat is entitled to modify its website and its final and revocable conditions of service by publishing modifications of the website itself with indication of the date of its last update.   The use of the website after the publication of the modifications applies the tacit acceptance of them.    

Take also into consideration that determinate areas of the website (or related access or use ) can bring the other different terms and conditions or it can consent and accept the additional terms and conditions. As far as it can be a conflict between the present terms and different terms and conditions published on the very specific areas of the website, the last ones will have a precedence as regards, the use and access to that space of the website.    

Art.1 Electronic form of communication, of the information and of the contract.

1. You accept, and you are cautious of the electronic form of the present General Conditions, of the Acquisition Contracts of the Products including Ziccat, of any other information or communication which is directly or indirectly referred to you. Every communication which is sent from your e-mail on our e-mail address during the registration period, will be considered by Ziccat as a correct address referred to you.                            

Ziccat declines any responsibility, wherever other subjects have access to your registration credentials or to the communications sent to your email address. It’s your responsibility to modify your email address every time you find it necessary.

2. You also declare, that your data inserted during the Registration phase are truthful and you are conscious of the exclusive responsibility of access to the website and using your Registration credentials referable to you and you are responsible for any eventual damage or prejudice caused to Ziccat or to the third parties of your improper use, of the loss, of any inaccuracy or appropriation of the third parties because of failure to protect your adequate Registration data privacy. All the operations made through the Registration credentials referrable to you are considered as performed by you.

3.Every time You make an Order or receive a communication, You will have a possibility to stamp a copy.

4. Before to continue forwarding of any Order, we advise You to read attentively and stamp a copy.

5. Ziccat retains its right not to accept the Registration which is based on its undisputable judgement.

6.You can cancel your subscription at any time by sending an email to an address

Art.2. Definitions

In the purpose of application of the present General Conditions that are defined (both singular and plural):


Ziccat S.r.l. with its seat in Turin, Str.Bardonecchia 185 (P. IVA 04915950010), pec registered at the Chamber of Commerce of Turin with n.04915950010, which is a legal entity and the host of the dominium, with whom You are bound by the present General Conditions due to its Acceptance, that is the head of the service;


alimentary product of medium-low digestibility, of its own production or of the third parties, certified and controlled, which is on sale by;


any physical person which makes a Registration to buy Products or anyway logging without referrable purpose having its own commercial, entrepreneurial or professional activity;


telematic procedure defined by to create an account by filling out a password by Consumer, who than receives a written confirm from Ziccat;


Confirmation by Consumer, of the reading and acceptance of the present General Conditions;


service is guaranteed by through the proper Registration and Acceptance, which permits a Consumer to fulfil Transactions on;

service is guaranteed by through its Registration and Acceptance, that permits a Consumer to fulfil Transactions on


offer to purchase that a Consumer send to;

“Acceptance of the Order”

Written confirm that submits after an Order, in order to inform an availability of the Product or to notify that the product might be sold out, it reports consequently the terms of a shipment of the Product , that are different from the terms Standard 72 hours; after that a purchase Contract is considered as finalized, though it remains the right of withdrawal in future, after receiving of the Order Confirm;


meeting of the will of the parties, from which are descended reciprocal obligations that are binding on both parties; it is finalised at the moment when after an Order follows an Acceptance of an Order;


A fee of any Transaction, that includes all the taxes or all fees applicable, the expenses of shipping and delivery;


any sales agreement of the Products concluded between a Consumer and Ziccat on;


Management by Ziccat of a delivery of the Product to a Consumer, only on the Italian territory;

“Notice of the withdrawal”

an exercise of the right of return is governed by art.52 and ss. of the Consumers Code, and it is realized through Communication sent by a Consumer in 14 (fourteen) days from the date of the delivery of the Product, to email address assistenza@ziccat.itor by sending a recommended letter to the address indicated below.


A Product which was eligible for return, its restitution is managed by Ziccat that withdraws a returned item.

“Excluded Product”

According to the art.59 of the Consumers Code, the products that aren’t considered as an object of return because they are custom packaged or clearly personalized, that risk to be deteriorated or expire quickly , that are not suitable for restitution on the hygienic motives or those connected with the health protection and that products for which there is no right of restitution.

Art.3 How to buy products on

1. Visualization of Products on the website constitutes an invitation to offer.

2. Inorder to conclude a Contract of purchase of one or more Products you should be registered on the website , following the related instructions. Than follows a written confirm from the side of Ziccat to email address that you indicated.

3. Than You should fillin an Order in the electronic form and submit it to ziccat by electronic means following the relative instructions. Your Order will be considered as a contractual offer of purchase of the indicated Products. By sending in electronic manner of your Order you accept and take obligations to comply with General Conditions of the Service and with a purchase and declare of being taken a vision and accepting all the indications provided therein, including the fact that Ziccat won’t be bound with conditions that are different from those contained in the Order, therein accepted, if they are not previously agreed and specified in the contract.

4. Before to send an Order, you will be asked to read attentively the present General Conditions of the Service, to stamp a copy and to memorize or to reproduce a copy for your personal use. You will get a summary, clear and comprehensible, an information about   the essential characteristics of any Product ordered with a relevant Price; in case if the taxes or applicable fees or costs of the Shipment are not reasonably predictable, you will get a modality of calculations or indications that these expenses will be debited. You will be also indicated the payment methods that you can use for a purchase of any Product, a modality ofShipment of the obtained Products, modality of complaint handling and the date when Ziccat is committed to deliver the Products. You will get a summary of the conditions and modality of your right to revocation, the time period of restitution of the purchased Products (which correspond to Communication of return). You will be expressively indicated if those types of products are excluded from the right to withdrawal. You will finally get an indication specifying the conditions under which you can loose your right to withdrawal according to the Contract. If they are applicable to your purchased product, you will be informed, that in case of withdrawal, you will be obliged to sustain the costs of the restitution of the products. Anyway, you will be also reminded of the legal guarantee of the products conformity, which you can check right now.  

5. With sending of the telematic Order You accept unconditionally and You are obliged to observe the General Conditions and the payment rules written down below, declaring that you had a view and accepted all the indications submitted to you in accordance to the norms recalled previously, taking also into account that Ziccat won’t be bound with conditions that are different from those contained in the Order, therein accepted, if they are not previously agreed and specified in the contract.

6. A visualized Order immediately before a conclusion of Transaction, will contain an information about essential characteristics of any ordered Product, the price and an information about the possible performance of withdrawal. Any Product will have an expiry date on its etiquette and all the necessary information and fees imposed on the product by law, which will be available on the website.

7. At the moment of transmission of the Order you will be informed that forwarding, once accepted by Ziccat, imposes obligations to correspond to the indicated prices.Before to proceed with transmission of the Order, you will be asked to individualize and to correct eventual mistakes of the data compilation.

8. Transaction will be finished when Ziccat will forward you to the email address which you indicated during Registration, the Order acceptance, with a relative confirm of the Product availability and indication of the time of Shipment, as well as an information on the right to withdraw. If the particular indications are missing, you should understand that the product is available, and the delivery will happen in ordinary times (72 hours since Acceptance of the Order). Up until now you should accept the Order Acceptance, which is sent in the electronic form, you should remember that you will have anyway possibility to print a copy.

9.Your Order will be archived on the data bank of Ziccat for a period of time necessary for a processing of Order and anyway in terms of the legislation. You can access your Order by consulting a section My Orders.

10.The language available for concluding a Contract is Italian.

11. Ziccat can’t proceed with your Orders in case that there are no sufficient guarantees of solvability or resulting incomplete or non correct the data provided in case of unavailability of Products. In these cases, we will inform you by emailing you on your email address indicated in phase of forwarding of an Order, the Contract isn’t concluded and doesn’t follow your Order, specifying the motive.

12. As far as the Products are not available at the moment of forwarding of the Order, it will be the care of Ziccat to communicate you, immediately and in any case within 30 (thirty) days which begins from the next day after the day when you submitted your Order, eventual unavailability of the ordered Products. In the case of forwarding of an Order and it was effectuated a payment of Price, Ziccat   ensure to reimburse, without inappropriate delay of a debt, if you have already advanced the payments.

13. We remind you that the Products bought through are destined exclusively to the Country where you make an Order; as far as we won’t deliver outside the Italian territory and of San Marino: if you’ll decide to get a product in another state, you are responsible for the relative issuing and you are obliged to follow the normative and restrictions applicable as for exportations from the State where you bought the object as for importations in the State where you want to take it. From now Ziccat declines any responsibility in this regard.

Art4. Conditions of payment

1. The price is meant in Euro and includes VAT.In the moment of order will be included furtherexpenses of shipment. Ziccat will send youthe Product only after it rceives a confirm of authorisation on amount payable, which consists of the price of a purchase, the expenses of shipment and any other supplementary price, as it is defined in the Order. Ziccat wont be responsible for eventual delays in the accreditation that depend on banking institutions or from the type of the credit card used for the payment.

2. If you want to pay the Price of the Products and the relative expenses for Shipment, you can follow one of the modalities indicated in the Order. Under no circumstances youll be debited the superior expenses and those ones effectively sustained by Ziccat.

3. Ziccat guarantees a maximum security and transparency of the systems of payment. According to the art.1773 cc., the Price of the product sale , including the prices of Shipment should be paid by using systems of PayPal.

4. Through PayPal you can pay by your credit card /prepayed or by your PayPal account (that is rechargeable by credit transfer or the credit card/prepaid. PayPal doesn’t have any additional costs.   If you are not registered on PayPal you can do it by clicking here.

5. Ziccat will use the information only and exclusively to complete the procedure relative to Contract of purchase of the Products and to accredit the relative reimbursements in the case of eventual restitutions, according to your right to return, whenever it makes necessary to prevent or notify a police of the committed fraud on

Art 5. Shipment of Products

1. Ziccat guarantees that the shipment occurs according to the time and modality indicated hereinafter.

2. Shipment of the Product is in the cure of Ziccat through the selected courier with whom it is bounded by contract, who dopo Acceptance of an Order , is responsible to take the Products bought at Ziccat and will deliver them to your address that you indicated in your Order.

3. At the moment of forwarding of your Order you can see the price of the delivery, that is if the Delivery itself, due to the quantity of bought goods or due to the promotion, will be free of charge.

4. Modality of Shipment includes that the delivery is done within 72 hours, that is 3 working days from the moment of communication about Acceptance of an Order, the price will be evidenced on the website.

5 .In case if directing of the products indicated to you has additional expenses of shipment, these amounts will be indicated to you before sending of an Order

6. In case if the chosen Products have different dates of delivery, the Period of Delivery will refer to that Product which has the longest times of delivery.If a delivery doesn’t take place within the terms indicated in the Order, Ziccat will have a facultative right to make a delivery in additional terms, which is appropriate to the circumstances. It means that you will receive an email notification In the course of this term if the Products are not delivered, you have the right to terminate a contract.

7. The deliveries take place according to the office schedule from Monday to Friday, the holidays and days off are excluded. The courier will do two tentantives of delivery ; after the second tentative, the Products will be delivered back to Ziccat that will inform you by email and will deposit them for 30 (thirty) days. Within thirty days, the contract will be dismissed and the Order will be withdrawn according to the art.1456 c.c. Ziccat will proceed with reimbursement of the paid sums, the net of the expenses paid for a failed delivery of the product, including the expenses for restitution of the same product to Ziccat and the expenses for its custody. The termination of the contract and amount of the reimbursement will be communicated by emailThe amount of the reimbursement will be accredited using the method of payment that you used for a purchase of the product. If within 30 days you’ll ask to receive once again purchased product, Ziccat will proceed to a new delivery with charge in addition to the costs of the product itself, the expenses on the restitution of the product to Ziccat and the custody expenses.

8. If the pack is delivered with evident signs of defects orr alterations, you should inform a courier, since otherwise you cant claim to Ziccat the eventual damages of the Product.

In any case, dealing with the fragile products, Ziccat is not held responsible for eventual damages to the products during the transportation.

9. You can control the state of your Order and survey your delivery in any moment. If you want to do this, you should fill in an Order number, received by emailin your Order Acceptance, on the page my Order. You will also find all the necessary information about the Order in your personal area space.

Art.6. Clients Assistance

1. If you want to get any additional information, you can contact the Clients Service by email on the email address assistenza@ziccat.itor by phone number here indicated below.

Art.7. The Right to Withdrawal

1. You have the right to withdraw the Contract including Ziccat, without any penalty and without any obligation to give a motivation, within 14 (fourteen) days , starting from the day of receipt of the Products ( or of the last Product in case of multiple Products ordered by making only one Order and deliveredseparately).

2. This right is excluded forExcluded Products This exclusion will be clearly indicated before a forwarding of an Order.

3. If you want to withdraw the Contract you can send a Communication of return by using email address, that is, you can send a recommendation letter, a.r. on email address of Ziccat which is indicated below. Ziccat attributes to email the same legal value of the recommendation letter.

4. Ziccat will send you a confirm on your email address indicated in Order, from the receipt of the withdrawal request.

5. If you exercised a withdraw from the Contract, you should return the products to Ziccat following the indications provided on the website and by email that confirms receipt of the Communication of Return, that is, you should deliver it to a shipping agent within 14 (fourteen) days that shall be counted from that time when you first communicated Ziccat of your decision to withdraw from the Contract.

6. Notwithstanding with the cases when the Products are non-compliant or damaged, the expenses of delivery of the Return will be at your expense, as well as the inherent risk of the restitution of the Product.

7. In case if you decide to make use of the support of our shipping agent chosen by Ziccat and indicated in the Return Communication, the expenses of shipping of the Return will be advanced to your account from Ziccat, that liberates you from any obligation of direct payment to the courier. These expenses will be deducted from the reimbursement which follow in the art.8 of the Present Conditions.

8. In case if you decide to choose another shipping, agent who is different from that selected by Ziccat and indicated in the email of confirmation of the Return Communication, you should sustain directly and in person, the expenses of restitution of the acquired Products and you will be given back your money paid for a Product. The Product should be returned to Ziccat to the indicated address.

9. We are asking you to in any case to pack the Products adequately   and restitute them undamaged.

10. The right to withdraw, despite the modality described in previous points from point 1 to 5 is considered to be exercised correctly as far as entirely rispected the following conditions:

a) Communication of Returntransmitted directly on-line through the website should have an Order number, the date of the Product delivery and the description of the Product that should be sent to Ziccat within 14 (fourteen) hours from the moment of receipt of the Products (or the last Product in case if the Products are multiple and ordered by one Order and delivered separately).

b) the Products should be returned in their original package, not altered and damaged.

c) the returned Products should be delivered to the shipping agent within (14) days that expire from the moment when you sent a return Communication to Ziccat.

d) the Products can’tbe damaged

Art.8. The terms and the modality of reimbursement

1. If the right of return is exercised according to the modality and the terms indicated above, Ziccat will provide to reimburse you entirely the money that you spent for a purchase of the Product. These sums doesn’t include expenses for Shipment and anyway exclude the supplementary costs bared using a delivery different from the Standard or Rapid ones which you have eventually chosen.

2. In case when during the restitution of Products you avail yourself of shipment agent chosen by Ziccat, the return will be made without improper delay and anyway within 14 (fourteen) days from the day of receipt of the Return Communication.

3. In case if you availed yourself of another shipment agent, the reimbursement will be retained until the Products will be delivered to Ziccat.

4. The reimbursement will be fulfilled in the form of payment used for the initial Transaction unless it wasn’t explicitly decided otherwise in any case, it is exercised without any other additional expenses.

5. In the case of food products, reimbursement can be made if the Products were returned in the   original package, not altered and damaged, that means that it   can have visible abnormalities that justify a restitution even if the package was once opened. In this last case a prior control of the conditions of the Product, which should be specified inthe Return Communication , Ziccat will fully sustain the expencess of the Shipment for restitution or substitution of the Product.

6. The reimbursement will be totally excluded in case if the return wasn’t exercised in terms indicated in art.7 whichis previous to those letters from a ) to c) point 10. In this case, Ziccat can not to accept the Return, in this case, it keeps the Products, without the obligation of restitution of the sums already received for payment.

Art.9. The Role of Ziccat

1. Ziccat through its website, which it connects to the address offers a Service ulterior to the place offered in its proper sales point in Turin, open to the public.

2. In no case, Ziccat can guarantee or take a juridical responsibility for a hypothesis if someone declares a malfunction of, if there are the problems of access, impediment, disfunction or a difficulty with the technical instruments, computer, electric cables, electronics in general, software and hardware, transmission and connection, telephonic line which can impede a Consumer to log in to, as long as they are not traceable for imputable reasons for Ziccat.

Art.10. Privacy

1. With Acceptance of the present General Conditions, you give your consent to treat your personal data, in compliance with D Lgs.196/03. Privacy Statement that contains all the information on how we treat your personal data, it may be consulted through the access to Privacy Policy.

Art 11. Applicable Law and competent jurisdiction

1. Present General Conditions of Use of the Service are regulated and should be interpreted in accordance with the Italian law.

2. For any disputes you can arise in relation to the present General Conditions of Use of the Service, of their interpretation and implementation, the competent jurisdiction will be that of your residence, other jurisdictions are excluded.                

Art 12. Modifications of the service and updates

1. Ziccat reserves the right to modify a Service and additional Services, policy, present General Conditions of Use of Service, in any time to offer the new Products or Services, taking into consideration the legislative changes.

2. You’ll be a subject in terms of the General Conditions of Use of the Service from time to time applicable in the moment when you use the Services of Ziccat.

3. If any of the provisions of the present Conditions is considered invalid, null or for any motive inapplicable, this condition wont affect anyway a validity and efficiency of other provisions.

Art 13. Copyright Protection

1. We remind you, that all the present content available or provided through the Services delivered by Ziccat, in whatever form they are (in exemplifying way like texts, images, logotypes, graphic, icons, files audio or video, software) are a property of Ziccat and are protected according to the Italian and international law in the field of copyright.

2. There is an absolute prohibition to extract or to reuse systematically the parts of such content without an explicit consent written by Ziccat.

3. We remind you that is a dominium registered by Ziccat S.r.l. and Ziccat s.r.l. is an owner of all and related rights of intellectual property.

Art 14. Our contact

For any claims you can contact Ziccat S.r.l as follows:

Str.Bardonecchia 185, 10141 Torino

Tel: 011.779.23.52

Fax: 011.779.23.52

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